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Showing posts with label grow your channel'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grow your channel'. Show all posts

Hey everyone welcome. create a You tube URL some one clicks once then it 

 will be  your YouTube channel subscribe LINK. it means by creating an automatic subscription link

if you like to earn money creating You tube channel you must get more subscribers to grow your channel. many subscribers will give you good ranking power to your You tube videos.

 ok lets jump to work

this method will work any you tube channel.
find your you tube channel url 

to get this link  click my channel and copy the url 
then add ?sub_confirmation=1

to your link 

ex https://www.youtube.com/user/your channel?sub_confirmation=1

this is the link auto subscription

share this link video descriptions . facebook or any social  network

try this method to get more subscribers and get high ranking power to your youtube channel